AI and Applications

The 7 Stages of the Future Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

February 28, 2021

What was typically a field of the imagination of sci-fiction writers, Artificial Intelligence(AI)  is taking root in our everyday lives. AI already has a substantial influence in our everyday lives in many ways weather forecasting, google's voice recognition, and search predictions, email spam filtering and Siri in Apple phones are some of the examples. Besides all this progress, there's a lot more to see in the coming future, we are still a few years away from having robots doing all sort of work for us. 

What is AI and how it works?

Artificial Intelligence is one of the branches of computer engineering that deals with the development of smart and self-operating machines. AI is particularly the field of study which aims to make machines intelligent like humans artificially or to simulate intelligence in a machine. To define AI more elaborately- the ability of a system to correctly interpret presented data and learn from that data.

The research in the field of Artificial Intelligence often revolves around smart algorithms. The algorithm is a set of precise instructions that a machine can perform and draw results. A complex algorithm is built by combining several simple and small algorithms. Many algorithms are capable of learning from the existing data itself, they can enhance themselves by updating with new problems and scenarios are write new algorithms on their own.

Origin of AI

AI is not a new concept, the origin of AI trace back to almost a century ago in the time of the Second World War when Alan Turing, came up with an idea of machines able to think. Alan Turing was one of the first scientists to work in the field of Artificial Intelligence and smart algorithms. 

The very speculation of AI technology lies in its ability to learn from the data collected by it. However, there are so many Hollywood and Bollywood movies that show like AI is coming to get us or there will be no human civilization once AI comes. Rather the reality is way less astonishing, there are a number of stages that AI needs to go through before it reaches the advanced level and discovers all the avenues. 

To give some clearness on the probable advancement trajectory, we can split it into seven different stages of improvement of AI. This article will provide insights into the seven probable stages through which AI would have to go and which might help it to develop. This article will also try and predict the possible avenues of AI in the next 15-20 years.

Stage 1- Rule Bases System

In this stage, AI surrounds us in everything from Robot Process Automation used in business to autopilots used in aircraft. 

Stage 2- Context-awareness and Retention

The machines based on algorithms are trained on the best human knowledge and experience with knowledge based on specific domains. The existing knowledge base can be updated once new queries and solutions arise. The most common application to be Robo-advisors or chatbots which can be used in a forward customer inquiry that can help human in everything. 

Stage 3- Domain-specific aptitude 

In this stage, the advanced systems can develop mastery in particular domains. Due to the capability to store and process a wide volume of information to make decisions the capabilities of these machines can be more than humans. Cancer diagnosis is one of the applications and Google Deepmind's system that defeated 18 times world go champion Lee Sadol proved the domain-specific expertise.

Stage 4- Reasoning systems

This machine algorithm has a concept of intellect, intentions, knowledge, and their own logic. They have the capacity to reason, interact and, deal with other machines and humans too. Such algorithms will be in the commercial arena in some years.

Stage 5- Artificial General Intelligence 

This is the main objective of many scientists working in the field of AI- to develop a machine with intelligence like humans. The artificial general intelligence or self-aware systems are not in application to date but not many years left to discover this avenue. This is the stage represented in many sci-fiction movies that machines are leading humans in intelligence. 

Stage 6- Artificial Super Intelligence(ASI) 

This stage is one notch of the Artificial General Intelligence, the algorithms will be capable of defeating smartest of the humans in all the domains. This stage can be the real solution to the problems that are still complex for the human mind like poverty, hunger, and climate change. This will be the stage where machines made by humans will outsmart humans too.

Stage 7- Singularity and excellency

The development path led by ASI will lead us to the point in time where the capabilities of humans will see the tremendous extension. With the help of this ASI, technology humans would be able to connect the minds of each other and be like the human internet. The technology would be much like an imaginary life where ideas, and thoughts could be shared by just one flick of mind. Humans would be capable of connecting with other forms of life like animals, plants, and other natural activities. While some argue that humans will never reach such levels and some say that it is feasible and with this exponential growth rate would be achieved somewhere in 2045.